BUT FIRST, DO THE DIRTY DISHES The previous blog on Steve Jobs and Xi Jinping made the seemingly counter-intuitive case for likening Steve Jobs and Xi Jinping. It’s not just the sheer force of will both embody, but the capacity to proclaim new realities, a new normal that fuses a mass of contradictions into a […]
Category: Tibet
All things tibet
WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON? MORE THAN YOU MIGHT EXPECT What could Xi Jinping and Steve Jobs have in common? To liken them is surely a stretch? Maybe not. It’s not just the personal psychologies of two alpha males driven to tightly control all aspects of their mighty enterprises. There are plenty of […]
Neoliberal Tibet and China’s end game
WHY THE CHARISMATIC KHENPOS OF TIBET URGE PASTORALISTS TO WITHOLD LIVESTOCK FROM CHINA’S URBAN NEOLIBERAL MARKET WHICH PROMISES PROSPERITY, AND INVARIABLY FAILS. GABRIEL LAFITTE glafitte1@gmail.com Department of Management, Faculty of Business & Economics, Monash University Presented to CONTESTING TIBET SEMINAR, Community Identity & Displacement Research Network www.communityidentity.com.au Victoria University, Melbourne, 8 July 2014 [this […]
NEOLIBERAL CHINA FINDS NEW WAYS OF EXPLOITING TIBET China’s failure to make constructive use of Tibet’s traditional economy is a major tragedy. For decades there was opportunity to build linkages with the Tibetan livestock raising economy and the growing Chinese demand for dairy and animal products. There was ample opportunity, if the Tibetan nomads had […]
MAKING CHINA IMPREGNABLE AGAINST THE RAW BARBARIANS, WITH YET ANOTHER GREAT WALL Ever since the ascendancy of Xi Jinping as China’s new helmsman, at the end of 2012, Tibetans have looked for signs of fresh thinking on ethnic relations. With the optimism so characteristic of Tibetans, they scanned the media for the slightest sign in […]
CREATING “CHINA’S TIBET” Have you ever wondered at the persistent coupling of Tibet with the possessive prefix China’s? China’s Tibet is obsessively used to claim possession, since that claim is so clearly contested. China never talks of China’s Xinjiang, or China’s Sichuan. Let’s unpack that oithy two-word slogan, and look at what it signifies. THE […]
WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF THE TIBETAN PLATEAU, AS INHABITED, USEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE LAND? FIRST OF TWO BLOGPOSTS ON WHAT MAY HAPPEN SOON TO TIBET Mining and land rights of communities directly affected by mining are fraught topics worldwide, at a time when resource extraction companies are pushing ever deeper into remote areas in […]
WHAT IS THE FUTURE OF THE TIBETAN PLATEAU, AS INHABITED, USEFUL AND PRODUCTIVE LAND? SECOND OF TWO BLOGPOSTS ON WHAT MAY HAPPEN SOON TO TIBET WHAT DIRECTION IS THE WORLD TAKING? China is at odds with the world trend. Currently, under UN auspices, all major sectors and social forces, from big business to small NGOs, […]
CHINA’S MEGA PROJECT TO CAPTURE TIBETAN RIVERS: PART TWO The previous blogpost revealed the vision of the official custodians of China’s Yellow River to build a huge inland shipway, capable of allowing shiops as big as 50,000 tonnes, as far inland as 3300 kms, to the foot of the Tibetan Plateau; all made possible by […]
BIG, BIGGER, BIGGEST A major official agency, the Yellow River Water Conservancy, has grandiose plans to dam all the major rivers of Tibet, and pump massive amounts of water (using hydropower generated in Tibet) uphill to the Yellow River of northern China. First, here is how the officials of the Yellow River Water Conservancy […]