MAPPING DESTITUTION ONTO THE GEO-BODY OF TIBET Blog two of four on POVERTY, IMMISERISATION and DESTITUTION in TIBET China’s official designation of the whole of the Tibetan Plateau as inevitably and incurably poor is grounded in a line across the map of China drawn by a geographer in 1935, still hailed today as a […]
WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR TIBETANS? Top seven relaunched ministries, and their new era of impacts on Tibet How does the 2018 reorganisation of China’s government affect Tibet? Although the reorganisation is the biggest in decades, with hardly any ministry unaffected, there has been no commentary on how this impacts on Tibet. Further, the commentaries […]
“Is it true that in your country you can touch the clouds?” The question was composed by a Han Chinese student practicing his English, in a conversation class in Xining, to be answered by the guest for this class, a Tibetan fluent in Chinese, English and of course Tibetan. The questioner’s English was halting, tentative, […]
NATIONAL PARKS & SKIING THE EMPEROR’S HUNTING GROUND When China was conquered by the Mongols, areas north of the Great Wall, close to Mongolia, were declared imperial hunting grounds, where the new emperors of China could exercise their Mongolian passions for open space, especially hunting. While, in order to rule, the ruling Mongols adopted many […]
China’s new era new ideology
ETHNIC MINORITY IDENTITY IN NEW ERA CHINA Blog one of two on China’s new ideology The 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress, in October 2017, not only anointed Xi Jinping as dear supreme leader, his Thought is now enshrined as the ideology governing China for the foreseeable future, and well beyond. What did this decisive […]
Blinded by ideology
CHINA’S NEW GRAND NARRATIVE Blog #2 of 2 on China’s new ideology for a new era Unfashionably, we need to take ideology seriously. These days, we seldom consider ideology, beyond sketching a thumbnail of the belief system of the enemy, only to prove how crazy bad Trumpism, or Islamic fundamentalism are, so we […]
Zombies rise again in Tibet
River diversion, on a grander scale than ever The possibility of extracting water from Tibet on a truly staggering scale, to make China’s deserts bloom, is a daft fantasy that never goes away. Like a rolang (Tibetan for zombie) it comes back from the dead, no matter how often it is dismissed, for its impracticality, […]
THE CHINA DREAM OF PERFECT SURVEILLANCE AND CORRECTION OF ALL CITIZEN BEHAVIOUR BLOG 1 OF 4 ON CHINA’S NEW REGIME OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT As a rapidly rich China seeks perfection, old Confucian norms slide quietly into Communist Party goals and programs of mass behavioural compliance. What could be more Confucian than the massive effort […]
ALIBABA & CRONY CAPITALISM: CONFLATING STATE AND CORPORATE POWER BLOG 2 OF 4 ON CHINA’S NEW REGIME OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT In China, big data already looms large. Jack Ma’s Alibaba does not face foreign competition, but he is not alone in the Chinese market. He knows, like all […]
LEARN FROM TIBET BLOG 3 OF 4 ON CHINA’S NEW REGIME OF REWARD AND PUNISHMENT IN TIBET As China has become richer, punishment and repression are no longer the only options for taming Tibet. The other end of the scale –rewards- are now within the budgetary capacity of local governments in Tibetan areas, long subsidised […]